"Getting the Most Out Of Your T-Network Antenna Tuner", by Andrew Griffith, W4ULD, QST, Jan 1995.
Excerpt from "Getting the Most Out Of Your T-Network Antenna Tuner", by Andrew Griffith, W4ULD, QST, Jan 1995.
Practical T-Network Tips
To achieve the highest possible efficiency...tune the network with the highest output capacitance that allows a match...more C-out translates to less loss.
For Tapped-Inductor Tuners
1. Set C-in and C-out to midscale. Select an inductance switch position, and rotate C-out through its range to look for an SWR dip. The dip may be very sleight.
2. If you don't find a dip, set the inductance switch to another position and adjust C-out for an SWR dip.
3. When you find a dip, adjust C-in for minimum SWR.
4. Inch C-out in one direction or the other, and redip with C-in.
5. If the SWR is lower now than it was with the previous C-out setting, continue to inch C-out in the same direction and redip the SWR with C-in until you obtain a 1:1 SWR.
In some cases, an SWR dip can be obtained with two inductance settings. Choose the setting with the lower inductance to get the larger output capacitance.