
Fwd: Fw: Prohibited video: The San Remo mandate 25 April, 1920_ מנדט סאן רמו, 25 אפריל 1920

Very informative and every Jewish person should watch this video.


> The San Remo mandate 25 April, 1920

> The video that they do not show us :

> The San Remo Mandate resolution gave the Jews all the land of Israel (Palestine - the name that the Romans called the land of Israel ) and the Arabs took Syria Lebanon Jordan and Iraq
> - the film (not an Israeli) proves that the Jewish settlements, on their historical land, has always been legal !!!

> http://www.youtube.com/embed/BmMmJ46O-3Q?rel=0

> חובה  להפיץ  לכל  אנשי  הקשר בארץ  ובכל  העולם