Fwd: Park Heights and Strathmore proposal
Hi Rikki
Please see the attached image. This image is from a letter that we received from the Baltimore City Department of Transportation. It is confusing. Please make sure that the BICYCLE LANE is installed on all of Park Heights Ave as indicated in the photograph.
We consider bike lanes in the city a civilized and modern improvement.
I could write for hours on how much we would appreciate the bike lane, for safety and community. And Park Heights is never so crowded or busy and that one single lane of through traffic should be sufficient.
Thanks for your help !
Joseph Cotton
For Beth Abraham Synagogue
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joseph B Cotton <cottonj@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:10 AM
Subject: Park Heights and Strathmore proposal
To: transportation@baltimorecity.gov
Cc: Kenneth Lasson, Seth Moshman
Mr Zaied and Mr Brown
From: Joseph B Cotton <cottonj@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:10 AM
Subject: Park Heights and Strathmore proposal
To: transportation@baltimorecity.gov
Cc: Kenneth Lasson, Seth Moshman
Mr Zaied and Mr Brown
Thank you for the letter proposing a traffic calming project at Park Heights and Strathmore.
But we are confused with the letter.
The photo indicates a situation with a SINGLE lane of traffic and A BICYCLE LANE. Let me emphasize that WE ARE IN FAVOR OF THIS PROPOSAL. We urge you to make a safe BICYCLE LANE along ALL of PARK HEIGHTS Avenue. We are in favor of bicycle lanes for all major streets.
However, the drawing included with the photo does not include the bicycle lane. Is this an error?
Please modify the drawing to include the bicycle lane.
Joseph Cotton
for Beth Abraham Synagogue